
The list of testimonials is not available at the moment

Rene joined the Sweet Adelines in 2022 and found more than she was looking for. “I’ve always loved music—so the desire to be in a chorus was purely about getting to do something that made me feel great. But—meeting all of the amazing ladies in this group and performing for the communities we have the privilege to perform for has honestly been the biggest blessing.”

Linda shares, “My friend, Kristina, invited me to try out the Baton Rouge Chorus of Sweet Adelines during one of the OLLI summer sessions. It was just the right fit for the missing musical piece for me. I have learned so much and have so enjoyed the time rehearsing, performing and developing friendships with the fabulous women in the chorus. Saying ‘yes’ was the best of decisions. Music IS joy!”

As a 20 year member, Emily says, “Singing is my very favorite pastime—and especially the harmonies of barbershop!  Chorus membership not only gives me joy in singing, but it has brought to me some of my very best friends!  Our chorus really is a sisterhood, and I look forward to every rehearsal, performance, and social gathering we have.”

Carol shares, “I absolutely love being part of this group!"

Beth met the Sweet Adelines at an OLLI event in 2023, and found them incredibly encouraging so she decided to attend practice for month to see what it was all about and decided to stay.  Beth enjoys learning new things, working out, reading, playing bridge, traveling and hanging out with friends and family—and of course singing Bass with the Baton Rouge Chorus.

From Benita: “Joining Sweet Adelines came at a good time for me.  I had just lost my husband the year before. My church choir was singing less and less, and I missed the camaraderie of friends I had practiced and sung with for over 30 years.  My Sweet Adeline sisters were a life saver for me.”

Mette is enjoying getting to know her chorus friends better. “I am here for the joy, the harmonies, and the humor.”
Copyright © 2024 Baton Rouge Chorus